
Surviving a bad review. How to deal with it?

  • Shubhit S.
  • 20 Aug, 2013

“Nobody is perfect!” It's hard to establish yourself as a band. Not only do you have to worry about your music and finances, but also about the press...

Things can seem very wrong if you get a negative review, but is it really the end of the world?

bad reviews, how to survive?

  • Take all reviews as a learning experience
    You can put up your defences and moan about it. Think that the reviewer didn't really understand your music, didn’t get where you’re coming from etc. etc. Published critics are published for a reason and you should consider that it’s not often that a critic messes up their review. So try to look at it with an open mind and accept it as part of your learning curve.

  • Control your emotions
    Don't lash back at the critic for writing a bad review. Even though you may be hurt, you need to control your emotions. You should learn to take all criticism with a smile. This is also a part of being popular.

  • Act cool
    Even though you are perturbed by the review, don't show it to your fans or the world. If you do, you'd come out as someone who is susceptible to opinions. Just go about your normal day to day business doing your best.

  • Be polite in your approach
    Once again, you can't be crude in your approach to handle any negative press. If you want to respond, it's best to post a link to the review online on social media networks and let your fans do the talking. This way, you won't seem to be shying away from your flaws, as well as your purpose would be fulfilled.


What people don't realise is that even negative publicity is publicity. Some of the popular bands that show up higher on search engine rankings actually owe a lot to negative reviews from popular magazines or blogs, which actually helps drive more traffic to their website. So, not everything that comes out of a bad review is bad.

Also, you need to understand that as a growing band you need reviews to survive. By lashing out, you also risk a chance of being put on the blacklist by the publication. Also, other reviewers might actually not want to review you any more.

So follow the above advice and learn from the negative feedback or ignore it. Just work hard on your music, improve where you have to and wait for the next review! Be true to yourselves.


Shubhit S., Epik Music Videos


Last modified on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 09:26
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